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Munevver Mine Subasi

Faculty | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mathematics and Systems Engineering

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs | Florida Institute of Technology

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Personal Overview

Dr. Subasi’s research interests lie primarily in the area of machine learning, stochastic programming, including two-stage/multistage problems with probabilistic constraints, the convexity theory of probabilistic constrained stochastic programming problems, probability bounding problem, multivariate discrete unimodality, and their applications to medicine and finance.

Her most recent research projects include the identification of genomic, clinical and environmental factors associated with human diseases. This includes risk stratification of chronic kidney disease patients as part of “African-American Study of Chronic Kidney Disease with Hypertension” funded by National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation REU Program; identification of molecular subtypes of melanoma, funded by National Science Foundation REU Program; and identification of biomarkers associated with drug resistance in breast cancer, funded by the Community Foundation of Brevard’s Kenneth R. Finken and Dorothy Hallam Finken Endowment Fund. In the area of optimization, she investigates new methods to solve large-scale optimization problems where uncertainty is naturally inherent.